Recently, I have been seeing a lot of insurance claims for area rugs. As I work for quite a few insurance companies, I have decided to write a blog on rug insurance claims. Sometimes, for different reasons, your carpets will incur some damage. For example, carpets can get damaged by water after a flood, or damaged by smoke and flames from a fireplace. Area rug damage can also result from mildew as well as accidents caused by house guests, your children, or even your pets.
Whatever the reason may be, it is good practice to find out the condition of your carpet and its replacement cost after such an experience. It is also important to determine if the damage is repairable and if the carpet has lost any monetary value. In the latter case, you should identify how much value has been lost in percentage or amount. The questions you will want to ask should focus on these concerns. Is your carpet a rare piece? Does it hold any sentimental value? What is its actual monetary value?
For this purpose, we are often contacted by insurance companies, law firms, estate dealers, and consumers. They all wish to know the value of their client’s—or their own—carpets after such experiences.
In the city of Montreal, we are considered to be the leading experts in terms of carpet appraisals for damaged rugs. Please contact us to find out more.
If you are the lucky owner of a beautiful area rug that is not damaged, I would recommend that you take pictures of your area rugs and save their pictures in the cloud or on your PC. This way, in case of loss or damage, you can show the pictures to insurance companies and be properly compensated.