Affiliate Program

Luxury objects, synonymous with comfort, warmth and prestige, handmade rugs and carpets illustrate as much grace in Montreal soil as it once did on the caravans of the Silk Road.  Individuals and professional organizations are welcome in our affiliate program. However, we reserve the right to refuse sites deemed incompatible with our activities.

Your Interests

Come join our team and earn a commission generated from your efforts! makes the affiliate program very easy. As per your sales you will be paid every month, or you can take carpets from our website or we can also ship carpets to you or your client.

Our affiliation program is easy to follow. Each month, we will send the amount of your commission to your bank account. Transport fees, customs fees, or any other related costs will not affect your commission.


Bashir Persian Rugs (also known in french as Tapis d'Orient Bashir). reserves the right to reduce or increase the amount of commission paid to affiliates at any time. also reserves the right to discontinue its affiliate program at any time.