A Brief History of the Ikat Design
Ikat, pronounced “ee-kaht,” is a technique and style that originated in Asia and South America. While the pattern comes from a variety of countries, the term “Ikat” that we use today stems from the Indonesian tradition. Ikat is a resist dyeing technique where the threads used for weaving are dyed beforehand.
The whole Ikat design rage has crossed over into the world of rugs, which may now grace the floors of your abode. There is quite a range of Ikat rugs out there, some are bursting with color, some are very subtle. Either way, there is one to accommodate your tastes and needs.
Sources and inspiration: Bérinstain, Valérie, et al. L'art du tapis dans le monde (The art of carpets in the world). Paris: Mengès, 1996. Print.; Jerrehian Jr., Aram K.A. Oriental Rug Primer. Philadelphia: Running Press, 1980. Print.; Herbert, Janice Summers. Oriental Rugs, New York: Macmillan, 1982. Print.; Hackmack, Adolf. Chinese Carpets and Rugs, Rutland and Tokyo: Tuttle, 1980. Print. ; De Moubray, Amicia, and David Black. Carpets for the home, London: Laurence King Publishing, 1999. Print.; Jacobsen, Charles. Oriental Rugs A Complete Guide, Rutland and Tokyo: Tuttle, 1962. Print.; Bashir, S. (n.d.). Personal interview.; Web site sources and dates of consultation vary (to be confirmed). Without prejudice to official usage.